sabato 8 luglio 2023


❀Truth - Twisted - Hair
Cynful - What a Beach Bikini Set - Equal 10
Single Color:
Includes three different Texture Styles.
Polyester Polyester Ombre Shiney
2 Material options + off option
 31 Polyester Colors 31 Polyester Ombre Colors 31 Shiney Colors
With the fatpack, you are also able to color the Bra and Bottom Straps as well. 
Sizes: Maitreya Lara & Petite Legacy & Perky
eBody Reborn, Juicy Boobs & Rolls,
Waifu Boobs & Rolls, Mounds Kupra
Cynful - What a Beach Bodychain - Equal 10
It includes:
31 Chain Colors
6 Metal Chain Colors
31 Penant Colors
In the "options" section of the HUD you can turn ON and OFF different objects of the Bodychain 
Sizes: Maitreya Lara &Petite Legacy &Perky  Kupra
eBody Reborn, Juicy Boobs & Rolls, Waifu Boobs & Rolls, Mounds



Credits: ❀ ❀ MILOTA - Natela Set - Access For: Legacy & Reborn  ❀